
Who is behind Lemon to Pepper?

We're Priscilla & Jamara, two 19-year old college students in heart of one of the most exciting cities ever: Memphis.

Lemon to Pepper first started off as a joke between us, talking about how lemon & pepper is one of the best combinations out there in the culinary world. We applied the "lemon-pepper" concept to almost everything: how to spice up your wardrobe, how to spice up your makeup routine, how to spice up your workout, how to spice up your DIY projects, and you probably get the idea now! And then, Lemon to Pepper was born.

When we're not busy with college, we love surrounding ourselves with the fun things in life. Our passions include makeup, fashion, crafting, eating out at the finest Memphis restaurants, shopping, and spending quality time with our friends.

We made Lemon to Pepper to share our ideas, thoughts and opinions about different things. Here you will find fashion finds & styling, makeup/beauty reviews, fitness tips, DIY projects and sometimes, even recipes for some of our favorite things! We try to upload as often as possible! We hope that we can show you the sweetest simplicities and how you can always add a little bit of ZEST to make things even better!

"You're the Lemon to my Pepper."

Meet Priscilla

Hi everyone! My name is Priscilla and I'm one of the founders of Lemon to Pepper. I'm currently a sophomore college student pursuing a degree in Commerce & Business, specifically through the International Business track with my language concentration in Spanish. I hope that someday I can travel the world, especially to my top destinations: Greece, Italy, Spain and parts of East Asia. Aside for being a busy (or should I say lazy) college student, I'm a crafting demon (part of every sorority girl's life), makeup enthusiast, discount shopper, appreciator of art and a self-proclaimed connoisseur of chocolate. I also write for my personal blog which is essentially similar to this site but it's more personal - I not only talk about beauty and stuff, but also things pertaining to my everyday life, school, work and etc. Check it out here and follow the blog through Google+.

I'm also a huge Pinterest and Tumblr fanatic: they're both so addicting! Follow me on Pinterest and Tumblr!
WARNING: I might blow up your pinboard/dashboard.

Meet Jamara

Hiya! It's me Jamara, the other founder of Lemon to Pepper. I'm a sophomore in college intending to major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and take that degree all the way to medical school. I have a plan but who is to say it won't change. Don't think I won't be tagging along on Priscilla's excursions. I like for the world to unfold in front of me. I know I have a long road ahead of me and I prefer to travel that road in fashionable shoes. I am a beauty junkie, a natural hair newbie, frugal fashion finder, exercise fanatic and a (sometimes healthy other times...not so much) foodie. Plus: I love music (album reviews anyone?)

So since you are here... Follow me on Twitter and Tumblr. I pretty much suck at keeping up with them both but I'm trying!